My academic journey begins with simple curiosity in the intricacies and dynamics of marketplace persuasion. For example, are more precise words or numbers more persuasive? Are consumers aware of persuasive tactics? Over time, I have developed research programs in two streams of theoretical inquiries, “information processing” and “persuas
My academic journey begins with simple curiosity in the intricacies and dynamics of marketplace persuasion. For example, are more precise words or numbers more persuasive? Are consumers aware of persuasive tactics? Over time, I have developed research programs in two streams of theoretical inquiries, “information processing” and “persuasion knowledge.”
My current projects expand to marketing technologies from the application standpoint. For example, how do marketers facilitate the design and adoption of AI-enabled products or services? How does facial recognition interface affect consumer experience?
Using a multi-method approach, I integrate lab and field experiments, surveys, text analysis, and econometrics in my research. The findings have a wide range of practical implications for advertising and promotion, branding, product design and labeling, CRM, and digital marketing.
Beyond academics, I’m interested in historical events, especially those presumably having changed the course of a nation, a country, or a civilization. I enjoy traveling to historical sites and visiting museums. I also enjoy watching, and participating when possible, almost all sorts of sports.
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